Tutorials On Line

SaFire has a whole load of free tutorials on Hoop city.  For a small fee you can enroll and join in her various classes.

Brandon from The Spinsterz has a growing Hoop Trick Directory that is well worth a visit. It  is well categorized  and very well presented.

Caroleeena has a awesome selection of hoop dance tutorials on her Youtube account, if you scroll down her page you'll see them listed on the right hand side :-)

Natasha has a whole load of tutorials both on Vimeo and on Youtube.

Suzie from Worcester circus club in the UK has a wide variety of hooping tutorials here.

Sennyo tutorials are here.

Babz Robinson has a phenonminal collection of tutorials and she updates them fairly regularly here


Do you know of any mass tutorial producing beings on the web, please let me know via the contacts page :-)

















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